World class learning for anyone, anywhere for Increasing Knowledge. Let your creativity shine and start bighting your future today and impress your audiences.
World class learning for anyone, anywhere for Increasing Knowledge. Let your creativity shine and start bighting your future today and impress your audiences.
World class learning for anyone, anywhere for Increasing Knowledge. Let your creativity shine and start bighting your future today and impress your audiences.
Tahfihz 30 Juz
Tahfihz 30 Juz
Sekolah ALBEIS ini didirikan gengan latar belakang karena negara kita tercinta ini masih rendah tingkat rasio kewirausahaan / entrepreneneur-nya di bandingkan dengan negara tetangga, sehingga ke depan alumni sekolah ini selain hafal Al Qur'an juga dibekali dengan entrepreneur skill, leadership, kreativitas dan kemandirian.
Successfully Trained
Classes Completed
Satisfaction Rate
Students Community
Learn and improve skills
business, technology, design, and more.